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Delkin 2gb SD Memory Card

These Delkin memory cards are reliable memory for everyday use. These cards have been specially optimized for digital photography transfer to and from mobile, notebook and desktop hosts.

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Our Price £ 11.95
(Excl. VAT £ 9.96)

These Delkin memory cards are reliable memory for everyday use. These cards have been specially optimized for digital photography transfer to and from mobile, notebook and desktop hosts.



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All Delkin products are manufactured with non-volatile Flash memory, preferred over the conventional form because of its advanced ability retain data over time. Equipped with a write-protection scheme that prevents the accidental overwriting/loss of data, this Flash form is preferred in both complex consumer electronics (PCs, notebooks, PDAs & mobile phones), as well as industrial military & medical applications. These SecureDigital cards are solid state manufactured with no movable parts to provide ultimate protection for your data files.